G7 BLOKATU is a collective of people opposed to the G7 summit which will
take place in Biarritz from August the 24th to the 26th.
Coming from the civil society or engaged activists, we carry with us the
urgent need of a better world, at the opposite of the one represented by
their summit.
Capitalism embodies itself in these seven Heads of State and their
side-kicks who gather in the Basque Country.
They will be bunkerised, (in)secure : far away from the people they
don't represent anymore.
It's time to show them that they're alone, marginalized & that they
belong to a time long gone.
Our goal will be to disturb the proper conduct of the G7 summit by doing
massive civil desobedience actions aiming at blocking or hampering the
circulation and transportation of people and goods involved in the
These actions, we'll perform them according to what we are : solidary,
creative and participative.
We won't have any water cannon or armoured vehicule. We won't use any
rubbergun to blind people in one eye or hand-grenade to mutilate.
Our only weapons will be our bare bodies, our believes, our
determination and our solidarity in the action.
We call out for desobedience to the government imposed safety measures ;
goverment who declares a state of siege and lawlessness on our land.
We refuse to back up in front of their ignominous threats, we refuse
fear and sadness. We fight for hope and we fight for joy.
Starting today, we invite all those who carry the hope of a better world
to join us.
Together, let's create and organize actions to keep the powerful men of
this World from strutting with complete impunity.
Let's stand on their ways in order to create other possible ones
People from here and elsewhere, you, us, may we be thousands to encircle
them, to isolate them, to empeach them !
Violence is on their side, Justice is on our's.
Aman Komunak-ek Topaketa Intergalaktikoen hirugarren edizioa antolatu du aurten Abuztuaren 21etik…
Gaztegunea abuztuaren 21etik 23ra. Egun bakoitzeko gaiak:
08/21: Bizitzak
08/22: Mugak
G7a dela-eta Hazparnera etorriko diren CRSei "ongi etorria" emateko…
13:00 Kalejira
13:30 Freestyle poteoa
14:30 G7 Ez argazki masiboa
G7 Ez Plataformak…
Kalejira Bilbon, G7 Ez Plataformak antolatua
La actividad, impulsada por la plataforma “G7 Inon Ez” comenzará a las 19.00 y tendrá como plato fuerte…
Pour s’organiser en amont du G7, et pour préparer le contre-sommet et les actions à venir, on se donne…
Charla sobre la cumbre G7 en Gares
Organizado por la Plataforma G7 Ez
Gipuzkoarrok G7ari ez!
beste mundu bat sortzen
G7 Ez Plataformak antolatua
Julia Marti
Antolatzaileak: Emakumeen etxea elkartea - Ekofeminismo…
"Txaleko horiak eta Frantziar estatuaren errepresioa"
G7 Ez Plataformak antolatua, Aldaben …
G7aren kontrako erantzuna prestatzen
G7 akatu!
"Ekonomia solidarioa ikuspuntu feministatik"Hitzaldia: Ekonomia solidarioa ikuspuntu feministatik
2019-05-16 - 19:00 - Gasteiz
G7 Ez Plataformak antolatutako hitzaldia, Landatxon…
"Solidaridad con lxs represaliadxs del G20"
Hitzaldia Esparru Gaztetxean (Zizur Nagusia, Nafarroa)
"Zer da G7? Erresistentzia esperientziak"
G7 Ez Plataformak antolatua, Sumendin (Gasteiz)…
Tattoo Circus Euskal Herria jardunaldi antikartzelarioen barruan egingo den hitzaldia
Zineforuma, globalizazioaren aurkako borrokaz: “Díaz. No limpies esta sangre”
Mahaingurua: Zer da G7a? Zer egin dezakegu?
Donostiako Boulevard-ean. Euria…
20-27 May
Against G7, sabotage week in Euskal Herria
Because all of us are opressed.